About Us

The Hill Social Welfare Society (HSWS), Kalimpong, is a non-governmental, non political, non profiteeing and women based organization established in the year 2000. It’s an organization with a vision of “A Society where community people specially women, distressed and other vulnerable are empowered towards participating in sustained comprehensive development”, and the mission is “to create/facilitate an enabling environment in health, education, social and economic, justice and rights by meaningful environmental/natural existence with continuous process of development and making best advocacy for convergence of vision existing service.”

Since its establishment in the year 2000, the organization put stress on education by way of eliminating the curse of illiteracy and improving the status of urban/rural people who belong to socio-economically backwardness, educationally disadvantaged groups such as adult, neo-literates, semi-literates, ST/SC/Minority/OBC women, girls, oppressed migrants, slum and pavement dwellers and prospective workers and their family members.

Although the organization has organized its activities throughout the District, the major activities are concentrated in the District of Darjeeling and it has several achievements towards the improvement of status of literacy in the District and promotion of livelihood status of the urban/rural community people who belongs to socio-economically backwardness, educationally disadvantaged group like adult neo-literates, SC/ST/women, girls, oppressed migrants, slum and pavement dwellers and prospective workers and their family members.

Hence, the organization has built up its capacity to implement its various activities through adoption of various methodologies for the rural/urban upliftment in future.

Our Policies



To create a society with justice having ecological balance and gender equity.


Upliftment of women, children and other marginalized in regards to holistic development in the Hills as well as its adjacent areas without disturbing cultural heritage and bio-diversity within the period of 10 to 12 years.


  • To pursue the Community health related activities, sanitation, prevention and care units for STI/ HIV/AIDS and linking approach of RCH (Reproductive & Child Health) Tuberculosis and malaria Services.
  • To promote Livelihood development activities related to socio-economic development of the community in the sustainable way and linkage with different firms.
  • To establish the programme for relinquished children for their protection through Child Rights. To pursue activities on the educational and health, nutrition related to child and youth both formal and non-formal systems.
  • To promote and uplift the indigenous cultural status and local folks.
  • To make people aware on anti- human trafficking and ensure protection for the vulnerable children, girls and women.


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